A journal???

My dad thinks it's a picture frame.

This was my shower thoughts for this morning. Lol. I am going to really enjoy these. Can't wait to see what the actual answer is.

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I am not sure if more than one guess is allowed, but I have a second guess.

A wedding ring.

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Guess as many times as you want:)

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A pillow.

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That's a good one!

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You know what my favorite part about this game is?

...knowing the answer, and then reading the whole thing over again once I know the answer and the shock at how many clear hints there are along the way.

(evil laughter)

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I thought phone.

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That's the guess I had, but my daughter said, "nope."

...and welcome, Alicia!

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Asia,....would it happen to be a balloon?

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I thought maybe a handkerchief?

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ANSWER: A pacifier.

....now read it over again. =)

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