1. Having a mix of xp and storytelling seems that it would be best to me. It provides the players a path to unlocking skills, but also gives GMs the ability to award players with a well earned skill. (At least that’s how I see it working.)
2. As for limitations, I like the idea of your decisions impacting what you can choose next. If you choose to learn skill A, it makes it much harder to learn skill B.
3. I think having basic skills that unlock more advanced skills would be the best way to go. Kind of like most tech trees. You start with ~5 options then each one you activate/unlock gives you 2-3 more options. The downside usually is that every one you unlock increases the cost of the others.
I don’t know if I’m visualizing this skill tree right, but that is how I see it working well
1. Having a mix of xp and storytelling seems that it would be best to me. It provides the players a path to unlocking skills, but also gives GMs the ability to award players with a well earned skill. (At least that’s how I see it working.)
2. As for limitations, I like the idea of your decisions impacting what you can choose next. If you choose to learn skill A, it makes it much harder to learn skill B.
3. I think having basic skills that unlock more advanced skills would be the best way to go. Kind of like most tech trees. You start with ~5 options then each one you activate/unlock gives you 2-3 more options. The downside usually is that every one you unlock increases the cost of the others.
I don’t know if I’m visualizing this skill tree right, but that is how I see it working well
Ok slightly confused
Is it a level based or a tree based system?
And if it’s both what would leveling up give you that’s different from tree based?
You mentioned some skills would be blocked by certain classes but you also said you would have a skill tree for warrior guardian etc
So… isn’t that the same thing?
Do all characters get the same skill tree and then some parts are locked off per class?
Anyway not against skill tree idea I’m just confused
I think it should be Xp based if it’s a tree and story based if it’s level
I love the option to mix and match skills.
Mix and match feels good, while also having some options that only specialists can achieve.
Also, I like the idea of story based trials to achieve new skills.