Ok, the rubbing your eyes and that expression at the end when you sip your coffee... THAT is just video advertisement GOLD right there!

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hehe, I hope so. Honestly, I feel like SUCH a nerd doing all this.

...I just enjoy having fun and it's hard fr me not to giggle.

TAKE 22! *sigh*

If you, or anyone else has ideas in what I could do, or what anyone else may want to do, I have materials and can make things.

For now, I have this video....and if this works well, I can make more.

Thanks, Kummer =)

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Hey, if it helps any, that take I just watched was perfect! Yeah, you come across a bit like a nerd but a slick, suave nerd! :) It looked like you were having fun and that made it 1000% better than most other ads I've seen online! :)

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HAHAHAHA...."slick, suave nerd"...I'll TAKE IT!!

Glad you like it.

Yes, was having a bit too much fun....the other video was me playing with miniature figures at the edge of my desk.

Oh...dang. That gives me a heck of a good idea........!!!!

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"the name's Buckley... Jamie Buckley..." <insert James' Bond Theme here>


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....as long as it comes with the cool cars.

Already have the lady of my life, but the cars? MmmmMMMmmmm.

Fun fact: Second car I ever owned, at 16ys old, was a sports car - a 1969 Triumph GT6+ ....70% of that car was the engine.

Jumped it off a freeway very first week. *sigh*

...it could do 140MPH in REVERSE.

In fact, it had an "overdrive' in REVERSE.....never understood that part.

Could take 15mph corners at 50mph. About 4-5 inches off the ground if I remember correctly. Ohhhh, I miss that car!

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AHA! I see you've already got the James Bond driving skills! LOL

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