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Something odd has been happening to me.
It's been going on for a while, but I've been quiet, hoping to have it pass or to overcome the effects. The problem is, the feelings and experiences has only gotten stronger over time.
A deep grind that scrapes at the heart and dulls the senses.
It's hard to keep going, to do what you know you should be doing…especially when the circumstances around you wear you down, tear you down, and the clouds roll overhead to hide the heavens. You don’t know why, but you are left to drudge onward using your own strength.
TGII help us when that happens.
Some of us discover our strength doesn't last very long. We stumble, get up and then fall.
Again and again we fall.
With each and every attempt, the progress seems slower...the pits widen, deepen, and the dark things within those pits wait patiently to grab hold with the intent to consume us.
Each fall leaves wounds we have to deal with, on top of the challenges already before us. Duties we must perform. Responsibilities which don’t stop just because we hurt. People who rely and depend upon us.
That's when we have to push.
I don't know how else to say this…
A person has to find that conviction, that single emotion and inherit belief within, that forces you to take one more step.
One more.
That's all you focus on.
You may have to struggle and weep and claw your way forward, but if you give it everything you've got — if all you can do is make a single step forward at days end — you win.
Forget other people's definitions.
You made progress.
You didn't give up.
You didn't stop, despite the odds, despite the pains, despite the troubles, the negativity…and you kept fighting!
You did, indeed, win.
Maybe I’m saying this more to myself, I don’t know.
You probably have all your crap in order and life sings to you like those animals do in that cartoon Jaime showed me. What was it called?
Goodie for you.
For those who know and relate to what I'm talking about — take what you can — until you can see the light again.
Until then, PUSH!
Keep going.
I'm rooting for you.
…even if no one else is.
Q: When do you find it HARDEST to stand your ground?
Hit the ‘Leave a Comment’ button and join the conversation, cause I’m waiting!
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For me, I find it hardest when I'm alone. My mother and I had a saying that evolved over time. We just had the get through one day, one hour, one minute... One breath. You can tell how I'm doing by the length of time I can deal with. One breath at a time... That was a hard space, but I got through it with a lot of prayer. One day at a time... That's a good space. Hang in there, Höbin.
I find it hardest to stand my ground when I have a goal or better yet, a vision, and I strive with al my might to accomplish it my all...and I see a lack of progress over a significant period of time.
It can be crushing in many ways. To stand, until I find the strength to 'PUSH', is a major event for me...