Morning Coffee 15 : What Makes All The Difference In The World? Choices.
This is turning out to be an epic week...and I haven't even STARTED it yet! Wow.
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I think I’m getting better at this.
I’m talking about getting to the point in these videos and using this morning time of the week to our best advantage. Sharing thoughts with you helps me get primed for tough schedules, it opens my mind, strengthens my heart…and motivates me.
I love talking with you.
Every week.
…even though you don’t say much.
I get it, you’re shy.
OH MY GOODNESS — I forgot to tell you that I saw WONKA!!
Darn it. That was important to me to share, which specific reasons why.
Okay, I can fix this in another post.
In the meantime, let me share a funny clip of what my kids and I did while mom was away.
How you’re doing this week? I want to know.
Have any specific plans this week you’d like to share? Share it in a comment!
Paid subscribers can comment, access the archive of this site, along with other stories, art, and any article I’ve ever written. If you aren’t a paid subscriber, you can access the archive for free with a 7-day trial OR earn a paid membership by joining the referral program! Contact me if you need our ‘hardship scholarships’ — used for military, first responders, homeschoolers and those in countries with horrible exchange rates — we have a deeeep discount for you.
My mother and I had been through some really dark days. We used to say that we just needed to get through one day at a time, and when times got tough, we needed to get through one hour. As life got more complicated, it became one minute at a time, and even one breath at a time. In the darkest of times, I return to that... and evaluate where I'm at on that scale (breath, minute, hour...etc.). Today is a good day, because I'm just getting through today. Sufficient unto the day, my friend.
You know... I needed to hear this today... thank you.