Good News. Good News. Good News.
Ready for good news?
Uncle Bob is doing great. Everyone loves Uncle Bob, he’s an awesome man, served our country for over 30 years and he’s going to be with us a while longer…YAY!
The meeting with Matt Jones was epic. Learned a ton about coffee that I’ve never heard of, and he’s fun to hang out with to boot.
I’ll be helping Restoration Roastery design their new bags, so I’m looking forward to that.
My TOP good news for this week, is that I get my puppy back. Muffin will be coming home with me tomorrow, so I’m preparing a place next to my desk so she can be with me every day. We might be in an apartment, and space will be tight, I have to say that I’m looking forward to having my puppy by my side.
I’m excited to announce that I have themed the front end (first room) of The Fiction HUB, and you can see it by clicking on the title, the room art OR the button below.
That’s it. The rest of this week will be writing, drawing and working on the TTRPG.
You are MORE than you THINK you are!
Until Next Time,
Jaime *the-coffee-bag-doodler* Buckley
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