
Morning Coffee 69: A Story Worth Telling ☕

The timing couldn't have been more perfect. Hehe.

…I just can’t stop laughing. It was SO FUNNY!

Hey, you.

Yeah, you—the one holding that glorious cup of life-giving caffeine.

Settle in.

I’ve got a story for you today.

It’s one I’ve wanted to tell for a while, and trust me, it’s a good one.

The Setup

Once in a while, I go back through the archives of my storytelling life because I don’t want to be that guy who tells the same tale over and over.

But this one?

This one never gets old.

It’s about a prank — that made me laugh harder than any other prank I’ve ever pulled. And for those of you who know me, that’s saying something.

The Scene:

I was visiting my dearest friend, Ondi. My family and I were staying at his beautiful home, and he was kind enough to give us the guest room right next to his. So there we were, in this two-story house, nestled in for the night.

Now, it’s important to note:
✅ It wasn’t a full moon, but there was just enough soft glow coming in through the windows.
✅ The house had this gorgeous wooden staircase leading down to the main level, and it’s smack dab in the middle of the hallway.
✅ I have a history of getting up way too early for my own good.

The Perfect Moment

So, there I was—early in the morning, stretching in the hallway, soaking in the peace and quiet… when I noticed something.

Ondi, was backing out of his bedroom, being all sneaky-like.

You know the move—hand on the doorknob, trying to close it without making a sound, inching out like a shadow.

And my cartoonist brain immediately went, “oh, this is an opportunity.”

So I did what any reasonable person would do.

I crouched down, made the most terrifying face I could think of...

And I waited.


And the second he turned around… BAM!

Eye contact.

The Aftermath

I thought the man was going to die on the spot.

✅ His eyes went WIDE.
✅ He looked like he let out this guttural, horror movie-level scream, but NEVER MADE A SOUND!
✅ He grabbed his chest like he was about to keel over.
✅ And he almost flipped over the railing.

I had to grab him before he tumbled down the stairs. I swear, I haven’t laughed that hard in my entire life.

To this day, he hates when I tell this story—which, naturally, makes it even better. And now, my friend, you’ve heard it too.

Takeaway of the Day?

If you ever get the chance to spook someone in the most epic way possible, do it. But, you know… maybe have a safety net in place so you don’t actually send them to the hospital.

Now, tell me in the comments:

What’s the best prank you’ve ever pulled?

Let’s swap stories.

I’m also playing with sounds…

1.5 Billion gnomes?


What would it be like to walk into a giant stadium, and you’re standing in line for refreshments…then the S.L.A.G.S. started appearing? This is me, playing with sounds…whaddya think? [Hint: play it LOUD]


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Until Next Time,

Jaime *loves-to-scare-people-in-the-dark* Buckley

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Lets’s get back to the polling. I’ve missed knowing how you’re doing…


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