
Morning Coffee 67: Everything Changes Today

It's funny what happens when we know what we are supposed to do...and decide to do it.

Today I fully embrace that I am a fiction writer.

What does that mean?

Uhhhhh….not sure.

I DO think that means whatever comes to mind is a possibility. That stories are the most important focus, and the experiences I can offer to you and the community is the priority.

That’s a good thing. Trust me on this.

One of the challenges now is get completely organized and to make sure I have a system in place…because thats how I function. Lists. Goals. Systems to make it all happen and deliver it to you.

Gonna happen. Just is.

So remember:

You are MORE than you THINK you are!

Until Next Time,

Jaime *needs-to-turn-the-mic-to-avoid-popping-sounds* Buckley

If you know anyone who wants an entertainment haven, protected from the grooming and indoctrination efforts of society…make sure to share Life of Fiction with them


Lets’s get back to the polling. I’ve missed knowing how you’re doing…


If you would you like to help Jaime with office supply needs, or send him a treat, you can. He keeps a public list of what he’s saving up for to buy for Life of Fiction when he has the funds.

LoF 'Daily Use& Saving Up For' List

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