I really enjoyed giving feedback on your cover, glad it was helpful! Sending prayers for Olivia.

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I'm so glad you did, Shannon.

Thank you again...

Still have to fine tune it...but it is SO much better than it was, and now I can SEE THE LIGHT!!


Going to be a great cover. Also have readers chomping at the bit to read it, so I'm doing final tweaks and formatting. If all goes well, it'll be published soon.

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Wonderful start to my day! Thank you!🀩 Sending good wishes to your grand daughter and family. And thumbs up for cover re-design. ❀️

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Thank you Ann =)

Have a WONDERFUL day and week!!

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Actually, I started the day with a problem, but after listening to you everything turned around. The problem wasn't so big and I addressed it and moved on. I'm having a great day, and I thank you for putting me on track toward a good mood, and being the start of my good day.😊 What ya doing tomorrow? 🀣

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If I need to, making you a video! LOL

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Just your normal weekly ones will do🫢

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sending prayers, love, and hugs to you and your family always.

Also, I guess you're unfamiliar with the original animated Transformers themesong lol


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Oh no....I've been there from the beginning. It was just so awesome to see Ruby make that connection and I hadn't thought about that either...

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oh nice lol. it's a good connection

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I know, right?? To see your 5 year old get it...and I was telling the story to my wife last night at dinner and Ruby turned to me...

"Well 'More than meets the eye IS you are MORE than you THINK you are, daddy..."

"You are correct, Ruby. I'm glad you see that, sweetie."

She nods. "It makes sense,"

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Hey, Jamie! I’m going to be doing NovelEmber! (Might be scarce irl) β€οΈπŸ¦‹πŸ€πŸ’₯

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Good LUCK buddy! ...don't forget to have fun...and DO NOT STRESS!

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Right! All I have to do is wake up and replay your intro soundtrack… That song in my head is all I ever need to write… Heck… Live to! That was SO nice to wake up to that this morning! ❀️❀️

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The Zoom was awesome! 🀩 Jaime IS really more than he thinks he is!!! I’m sure you all knew that already though. πŸ’™

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[...looks around...]

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