I think that conflict totally works! you should go for it. I've seen some very unique takes on the conflict article template. I used to be very intimidated by that because it doesn't always fit, but I have to keep reminding myself that these prompts are supposed to work for us. we're supposed to be able to bend them to help us expand on our own worlds! and you already know that, as you spoke on it in the podcast and have written about it before. we've heard it so many times lol but I know it's still challenging sometimes when it comes time to write it, so I'm here to tell you that I would love to read about that conflict!

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"...we're supposed to be able to bend them to help us expand on our own worlds."

That's the key, right there.

It was so much fun reading through the prompts again. Going to attack some of those brilliant suggestions, regardless. There are so many fun options this year.

How are you doing on Summer Camp thus far??

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Hobbling along, I suppose. That fever thing really set me back, in addition to working so much, but I recently hit my nanowrimo goal (although I had it set quite low) and I've secured the copper badge. I'm aiming for diamond though, of course. Hit it every year except the first time because I had no idea what anything was lol

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Same here -- health stuff, then trying to get back in the saddle. Always hit diamond before, BUT my priorities are my readers here. That takes the bulk of my time...and I'm good with that.

However, I've done crazy writing stints before.

We will see.

Good luck, little sister. I hope you get a diamond =)

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Likewise 💛💪🥰

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Love that you are promoting World Anvil! So much fun!!! You can do it! Diamond in a Day!

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hehe,...yeahhhhhh, nope.

I think the lesson this year is to keep my mouth shut and to just get stuff done. Been hit with so much "real life" thee just isn't enough time left,...but we'll see what happens!

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I hear you. Still going to try though.

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I'm going to just put this out there but your morning voice is phenomenal and I hope some of the chapters you read have hits of it here and there.

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Wow. No one's ever said...THAT before.

Thanks, buddy.

I'm usually happier in the morning, that's for sure. It's when I gather in all my unreasonable optimism and then rub over my double-edged battle axe to deal with the world around me.

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