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If I decided to walk away from it all, would you follow me? I’m talking about social media. The bane of my existence. I said ‘cya’ on Facebook today, and it made me smile.
Thing is, no matter what I do, how hard I try or work, I have never achieved even a fraction of the results I see posted by other indie authors. Even when I buy their books, courses, and religiously mimic what they teach. The results I get, each and every time, bring me to one of three conclusions:
I suck as a student and MUST be doing things wrong, or;
These so called ‘gurus’ selling the courses suck as teachers, or;
The people selling the courses I’m buying are just full of shit.
Could it be all three? Maybe. But that’s my starting point today on this episode of Life of Fiction. It’s a great day…I’m happy…and I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
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