I agreed a lot with your daughter! My mother also curated a lot of things for us when we were younger and fostered meaningful conversations to discuss what we were gleaning from things, whether it was good or bad and the intentions behind it all. We were aware that nothing and no one is perfect, but it is good to have that guiding perspective.

I do feel like a lot of things have lost their morals in the modern day. A lot of things are purely for entertainment. A lot of things are gray. It isn't really apparent what should or shouldn't be done. Sometimes, the team we're rooting for isn't even clear. I appreciate the fact that everyone has flaws, but it's good to let us know they are flaws and to show us that improvement should be worked towards. That's just me, anyways. I'm strange and my work usually reflects this. I hardly ever see exactly what I'm looking for out in the world anyway so I guess that's why I'm trying to make my own. Slowly but surely.

As for consumption, I do appreciate a nice hardcover book, but I find audiobooks most convenient as I can multitask or rest while listening to them. Second would be digital and last would be. unfortunately, the physical copies I once loved. I do appreciate the experiences my senses endure from sight to smell to feel as well. I can tell when books have the sweet, older smell or the fresh, newly printed smell. I like when the pages are slightly yellowed to show how its had good use and when the pages are smooth and pristine and the spine hasn't cracked yet. I have fond memories of going to the library and simply exploring the shelves for something new as well. I still do that now, though not as much because of how busy I am (AND I'M NOT EVEN A MOM XP)! Still, when I see something interesting in a store or on a shelf or come across it online, I instantly look to see if there is an audiobook version.

I am annoyed by some of the voices. During pandemic, I binged a lot of the Sherlocks once again read by Sam Wagland for Magpie Audio. He does a WONDROUS job and I can't imagine anyone else ever again! Unfortunately, he hadn't yet covered all the stories, so impatient me went searching other youtube channels for them. I was disappointed by these voices but muscled through it for story's sake. I have the ability to muster things for convenience as well. It would take me entirely too long to actually read those on my own. And I mainly wanted something for my brain to do while I was attending a boring, repetitive work from home auditing job. That's why I like podcasts and audiobooks so much. I'm not the kind of person who can watch a movie in the background. Too much distraction for my eyes!

Anyways, if you're asking how else to find books, I personally don't know much else besides what we've already mentioned AND perhaps being part of writing communities? WorldAnvil and NaNoWriMo are full of booknerds. I don't mind listening to Audible stuff but I sure as heck don't want my own stuff on there because they have a monopoly that the audio cannot be played anywhere else. I like to show clips and stuff, so I run my shop mainly out of Ko-Fi. Perhaps I should give this substack a try as well. And, by the way, I do think that releasing a read-to-me audio alongside each chapter would be a superb idea! I probably wouldn't have time to read it otherwise.

I probably had more to say but I can't remember. I've been a bit sick but it was good to listen to this episode. Disappointed you only tagged your daughter and not the grands we heard. They deserve credits, too! The audio wouldn't have been the same without them. >XD

God bless you all and thanks once again for sharing.

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Oh...my...goodness...WORDGIRL -- this has to be the best/longest comment I've ever received. THANK you for sharing so much =) We are so fiends and kindred spirits in the we experience and see many things.

You said, "I do appreciate a nice hardcover book, but I find audiobooks most convenient as I can multitask or rest while listening to them." Then you said printed books was last,...and I started giggling. The list is exactly the same for me, and for the same reasons. For the longest time I was against audiobooks, because like you, I'm a writer, and it took training myself to ignore the talking as a conversation. My attention would be drawn away for whatever I was doing, because it's rude not to pay attention when you're being spoken to.

Now I can listen while I draw, and every night I usually relax and fall into rest with an audiobook -- if really tired I put the timer on -- and slip into the world of my imagination. Harry Dresden is one of my favorite worlds.

I highly recommend Soundwise to control your audio paths... check out this page as an example -- but don't buy the book -- it's being rewritten: https://mysoundwise.com/soundcasts/1622654055463s

You can get a lifetime basic package to control everything and retain 95% of the profits -- and their app is fantastic.

OH MY HECK!! I was checking for a link to the lifetime version, which i got for $250.....and it's only $59 RIGHT NOW!! Here's the link for anyone who wants to try what I'm doing:


...and just FYI -- it comes with everything you need and if you grow huge, you can upgrade. I've made some good money with this app, and like Substack, been able to work directly with readers / listeners.

Hehehe -- I'm all about protecting the grands. Sadly, I prefer not to engage in Social Media much anymore. nasty people who disagree wanting to go after my family. That is a no-no. Leave my kids alone (I say to the evil-web).

Hope you feel better WordGirl. Always wonderful to have your perspective here =)

God Bless you back!!

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Of course I was joking about crediting the grandchildren lol. Also, thanks for the link! I'll try to look into it as soon as I can.

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Oh, I knew you were =)

...but I've been asked to do that before by *ahem* questionable personalities. Was just putting that out there. Help hedge up other potential comments (wink).

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Haha Um...WHOA. To be honest, I didnโ€™t know if anyone actually liked listening to our family conversations for entertainment, let alone related to it. Just shows how much I live under a rock. ;) Haha But your comment made you feel like an old friend to me and that brought a smile to my face. Thanks for that. I also somehow got the impression you probably have a great sense of humor... Call me crazy. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

Get well! And God bless you too.๐Ÿคโœจ

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Didn't I say we needed to do this?

Sounds like we need to have another conversation...except now the office is clean and organized!

Can you say, "Professional Mics"?

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โ€œProfessional micsโ€ sounds like a much more mature way of showing interest than โ€œpick me! Pick me!โ€ which is closer to what was going through my head. ๐Ÿ˜œ Iโ€™m always up for a good bit of wholesome repartee with my daddy, especially when theyโ€™re always guaranteed to deliver a few laughs. :):)

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Wellllll, the advantage to this, is you get to sit in a comfy chair, I have a big person's mic for you, and we will have walls between us and the kiddies....


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Thanks so much! It was a pleasure to "meet" you. ๐Ÿ’›

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This was SO good! I struggle to find time to listen to long podcasts, but this was well worth the time! Your daughter is brilliant! It is a pleasant conversation focused around books and entertainment. Delightful and thought provoking.

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Thank you -- so glad you enjoyed the podcast! Keep trying to tell my children they have much to offer from their experiences.

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