I can't imagine how you get through over 400 entries! But I really appreciate your transparency, as I'm sure the contestants do.

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The filtering process is the hardest initial part. You want to give everyone a shot, but at the same time, I don't have the view of every entry should have equal evaluation time when there's a sole judge.

Filters are created to naturally eliminate entries by particular standards set.

The next question I'd have is, "Shouldn't contestants know what those standards are?"

My personal thought on that is 'no'. The reason being that I want to see who people truly are, not rigging and manipulation to create 'click-bait' for judges. That's one of the reasons looking at community likes is so important. It's a not-perfect, but still helpful metric to start with.

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That all makes good sense!

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Choosing a winner is so hard! I have no idea who you've picked, but any would be worthy.

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