Special Thanks to Ann from Tell Me A Mystery, for coming up with this substack live video idea…if you haven’t visited Tell Me A Mystery, you’re missing out!
I love talking with Ann. She’s a lovely human being and a fanTASTIC example of bold talent that should be seen…and in Ann’s case, heard. She does amazing audio, just FYI.
My apologies, again, for the not-so-great audio on my side. Still can’t figure out what’s happening, but I will. Until then, have fun learning about Ann, and a little more about me [rolls eyes].
BTW, Sesame Street premiered on November 10, 1969.
Want to Go Live with Jaime?
I’d love to make new friends and let substack meet creatives with a passion for what they do. If you’d like to have a substack live session, reach out to me and let me know!
Thank you
, , , and many others for tuning into my live video with ! Join me for my next live video in the app.
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