Oh. Woah.
If you don’t know who D.W. Dixon is, I can tell you that I know zero, zip, nada about Steampunk as a genre…but i want to, after reading this man’s writing.
He’s good.
Damn good.
Sorry for potty-mouth, but context over content…and it’s the truth. DW is that good, IMHO.
Here’s DW Dixon’s reading list - I 100% recommend you enjoy his talent & style.
Plus, he’s a fun guy to chat with! He send me a DM and asked if I wanted to do a 2x2 with him in 2 weeks, and I sad, “Let’s do it in 30 minutes instead.”
He said, “Okay.”
The rest is what you see here…
PLUS we decided to be turkeys and try to add one more person…so we grabbed Ann from Tell Me A Mystery.
Her internet wasn’t strong, and she asked me to edit her out, but…welllll, nope.
It was all a fun experience!
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